Saturday, October 15, 2011

I love to be a BzzAgent, I get to try products for free and influence the companies about their products, the only thing you need to do it is to be honest about your experience with the samples you get to try. Since I started I've been in several campaigns but so far this is my favorite. I have really dry and sensitive skin and was so lucky to be chosen as part of this campaign to try Burt's Bee Natural Skin Solution Cleanser and Daily Moisturizer. I have one week using both as a part of my daily routine and can see the how effective has been on a skin that wasn't responsive on any expensive cream. I had not experience any redness or itchiness, and the dryness is just not there anymore. It is part of the Burt's Bees to be natural product line, and this is not an exception, this line is 99% natural, gently with the skin and fragrance free. Just give it a try, I did and love it!!!!

Just as a reminder, this is my personal experience with the product sample I got to try.